Thursday, June 28, 2012

I'm Going Home

Mom is going to be discharged home to Rehab tomorrow morning.

Sarah flew to Albuquerque today and is going to ride home with Mom and Dad.

Mom is having a good day but the muscle spasms in her back have begun! Please pray for these to ease up.

I was saying yesterday that the doctor didn't think Mom had to go to rehab because she has been doing so well. Mom is still going to go to rehab because she still is having a little difficulty with balance and her feet placing right. Please pray for a great result from rehab and Moms pain control and patience with rehab.

Uncle Dauber is having a better day but is still intubated and getting frustrated. Please pray for continued healing and comfort for my aunt and cousins!


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Great News from Mom

Mom and Dad called me earlier while I was work and were saying that Mom is walking so well right now and she even went up and down some stairs!  That is just so amazing from just 1 week ago when I left Albuquerque.  Mom even woke up and wanted to put on makeup and do her hair and Dr. Patterson came in and told her she didn't "HAVE" to go to rehab he just wants her to walk, but Mom is going to do 1 to 2 weeks of rehab to get in a habit and get stronger.  All of this is great news!

Update on my Uncle Dauber from my cousin Lane and Paige's facebook pages:

Night and morning was not fun. Dad has been on breathing machine, dialysis and they kept him heavily sedated. He had a heart attack yesterday. Probably had minor one earlier this morning and they gave him 3 nitro pills and morphine. Then they took him to the heart center for angiogram.

Doctor just came out. Dads main artery (the widow maker) was 99% blocked.

Doctor put in two stents and said damage to heart was minimal from heart attack. Said Dad's heart was very strong. Doctor said this will address the chest pain.

Now to address all of the other issues - we will see what happens. He will be in critical care heart ICU for two or three days.

Will let you know what else happens here. Every hour is something new - good and bad.
Please continue to pray for my mother's recovery and for my uncle to recover in all aspects from the assult on his body!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tuesday Update

Hello Everyone!

I spoke with Mom a few times today and she is having a pretty good day today.  She walked 150ft and was able to get her catheter out this morning and did not have any problems after getting that removed!

Dr. Patterson and Dr. Antony (the surgeons) came in this afternoon and sat down and talked to Mom and Dad for a little bit.  Dr. Patterson (spinal specialist) kept saying to Mom how impressed he was with how she was doing.  They both told Mom that she will most likely discharge to Lubbock to her rehab facility there on Friday!  WOW, what 2 weeks has brought!

Mom does not want me to focus on her tonight on here with the blog.  She wants everyone to start praying fervently for Perry (Dauber) Andrews, my uncle, her brother-in-law.  He has been extremly ill for the past 3 to 4 months with no defined diagnosis.  Now, he is on a ventilator in the ICU at Covenant Hospital.  The doctor told my aunt (Treva) to have her children come back because he is not sure of the outcome.  Uncle Dauber has been having severe pain and nausea for a long time now and they took his gallbladder out about 4 weeks ago.  Thought that was the problem and now he has a very severe virus (unsure of the name) that has caused ulcers in the esophagus causing bleeding and severe pain.  He is now dealing with kidney failure and has been dialyzed for 4 days.  Everyone is very concerned and worried at this time. 

Please pray for continued healing for Mom and for God's great interventions on my uncle!


Monday, June 25, 2012

Manic Monday

I have spoke to Mom a couple of times today and she having a little bit of a rough day.  She says her bed is uncomfortable, it's an air bed.  She also is having more pain now!

The pain is mid back and her neck.  Her body is not used to being so straight so now her muscles are trying to pull against the hardware and causing pain for her right now.

She did walk today but she said, not as far because she is hurting more.  That is okay, because it is expected for sure!

She did get some more tubes and lines off today which makes her happy too!

She said last night she is very ready to see her babies (Jansen, Walker and Kayl)! 

Sorry this is short but trying to catch 2 munchkins and work too.

Thank you all again for your continued support and prayers!


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sunday Funday

Actually it wasn't a "fun" day, just coming up with a good title!

I talked to Mom twice today and she was very clear both times. She was telling me if things that she thought happened while she was in ICU and sedated. Funny stories! She'll have to tell you all sometime.

She walked around the 3rd floor today and did really well according to what PT told Dad. She says it's hard to walk with "all these cords still attached to her. "

She did get her central line (IV in her neck) taken out this evening and the "Rapid Response Team" was able to get an IV in her arm with just one poke. She was glad about that.

Mom and Dad are both talking about how soon she may get ti come back to Lubbock because she is ready to start rehab!! Dr. Patterson & Dr. Antony do not want to rush it but have stated how impressed they are with her quick progress!

Dr. Antony wasn't sure how to take Mom's humor for a while but has warmed up more. So when they were talking for an hour and a half yesterday she asked him if he earned his money on her with it taking so long and his reply was, "not sure, but I did earn alot of sleep!". I thought that was cute.

Mom is now able to read her posts and facebook and emails.

Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers. Keep em coming!!


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Up and about

Mom walked to her door and back to the chair in her room today!!! Great start for PT.

Daniel (my brother) sat up in her room with her this afternoon while Dad took a nap (Mom didnt sleep until about 3am). Michelle did laundry for Dad too!

Mom is getting much clearer in her speech. Daniel said he could understand about 30% of what Mom said this morning and by this afternoon he could understand 80%. I talked to her on the phone this evening an she was clear but sleepy because she had gotten her pain medicine shortly before I talked to her.

Mom did tell me that Dr. Antony came in and talked to her for a long time. All is going a planned!

This is her walking for the first time after surgery!

Saturday Morning

Spoke with Mom and Dad a few minutes ago.  Mom has her days and nights mixed up still but the nurses on the floor had her awake and they were "cleaning" her up to start Physical Therapy this morning! 

She says, "I must have been really confused for the past few days!"  I explained to her that she was confused but it was because of the medicine and being in the ICU for 5 days.

Please pray as physical therapy starts for her not to get frustrated to easily.

Daniel and Michelle made it in safely last night to see Mom and help Dad. 

Jessica, Mike and Ty Prude all were up there last night visiting Mom and Dad but Mom was pretty groggy the whole time. 

Thank you all for your comments and prayers.  Mom has not been awake enough to read her comments or emails or facebook comments, but we have been telling her what people of said.  As soon as she is able to wake up more then she will for sure want to read all this.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!  Will update again either later this evening or tomorrow morning.


Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday Morning

It's been 1 week since this journey began!! Thank goodness a week has passed!

Mom is more aware this morning but after she gets her pain medicine she thinks she is in "Washington D.C." at times and has hollered out "hey, batter, batter" like she was at the Texas Rangers game. ⚾

They are moving Mom to a room today Room 306. Dad is hoping this helps with the "ICU psychosis"!

Mom got her dressing changed this morning and Dad sent me a picture of the incision. OUCH!!!

Praying for a better day for Mom and Dad both.

Daniel and Michelle are headed there tonight so please pray for safe travels.


Thursday, June 21, 2012

I got a phone call from Mom!!

This evening my Mom called me!!! Dad held the phone to her ear and when I said "hello" it was my Mom who said "hi Baby" back!! (tears rolling)

My mom is coming back!!!

We found out that during the night they had given her a dose of Ativan to calm her down because she was agitated and restless. None of the nurses told Dad, Sarah or myself when we asked what medications she had been given!!
Anyway, not going to get that again.

Dad was able to show Mom pictures of her spine X-rays tonight and she was not sure if it was real!!

Glad to end on a good note tonight! Mom might transfer out if ICU tomorrow.

Please pray for my Dad's strength and health right now. He was feeling a little under the weather today but is feeling done better tonight.

Til tomorrow,

P.S. Please say a prayer for my Uncle Dauber and his health to improve drastically!!!

Frustration Has Set In!!

Dad called me this morning and he is very frustrated with how things are going!

He arrived this morning and Mom's arms were tied down again and Mom was delusional through the night and had pulled out an IV and pulling off her oxygen and oxygen saturation light on her finger. 

They have not let Mom eat anything yet and she is hungry because they want to do a "swallow study" before to make sure she is swallowing correctly, yet she ate ice chips, drank water and drank apple juice without any problems.  So Dad is frustrated it is taking them so long to accomplish anything.

Dad emailed, Lynette, the coordinator for Mom's surgeons, Dr. Patterson and Dr. Antony and she is getting control of the situation.

Mom seems to be unaware of her surroundings right now, but we are thinking it is related to her 5 days of being under sedation and IV pain medicine.  She also has Morphine PCA hooked up to her but she is not aware enough to push the button!  OH FRUSTRATION!

Please pray for Dad's patience, my frustration of not being there as the nurse daughter and my brother and sister wondering what is going on!

Also, please pray for Mom's mental clarity, very frustrating to her also!


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wednesday Night

I made it back home to Decatur safely to my sweet babies and awesome husband! I think they both grew over past 5 days so much!!!

Anyway, Mom is doing okay tonight. Dad said he thinks the nurse (Parker) has his hands full tonight! Mom is getting cantankerous and frustrated at times. Dad said she is "moving" around in the bed pretty good also.

Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers.



Mim is awake but still groggy! All her numbers are looking good. My in-laws Glen and Kaye Holley came by to check on Mom and she seemed more alert while they were here.
Dad and I are headed to the airport for me to go see my husband and kids. Hard to leave but ready to see my loves!
Funny thing mom did earlier because she is still having hard time annunciating her words so she started singing her "ABC's". It was a funny moment for us!

Keep praying and love to all.

The Stinkin' Tube is OUT!

Yeah!  Hallelujah, the breathing tube is out!  She is groggy and her throat is very dry and sore but she is able to talk.
Thank you all for your fervent prayers for this milestone of the breathing tube being removed. Now just pray for wound healing and no infection. 
Also, as little of pain she has to endure.
She is very sore because of how swollen she is but she is able to move all extremities and her head. 

Now, please pray for me as I fly out at 5:05pm New Mexico time. 


Wednesday Morning

Dad and I are here sitting in ICU with Mom. She was awake and MAD when we arrived. Or maybe I should say agitated. The plan this morning is for the ICU doctors to check her out and then the plan to extubate (take the breathing tube out).
She had an uneventful night and the swelling has gone down in her face alot!!!
The doctors are about 2 rooms down so I will update as soon as I can.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Here is the Scoop

Surgery is OVER!  YEAH!

But it is a long road ahead still.  The doctor's are very excited about the way her spine looks now.  They both stated, we all need to pray for wound healing and no infection now.

Mom is very swollen, especially in her face, hands and feet but just since Dad and I saw her at 6:15pm til now at 9:10pm her edema in her face looks less.  She has 3 drains in her back and a wound vac on the incision.  She is still pretty sedated from the anesthesia but is starting to wake up some so hopefully they can start weaning her off of the ventilator.  I hope and pray they are able to get the breathing tube out tomorrow early before I have to fly out back home to my husband and babies.  I know I sound selfish but I am having a selfish moment right now.

Dad is holding up okay, he is very teary when we go into see Mom, that is hard to see.  He just keeps saying, "I wish there was something I could do for her."  "I wish I could rub her neck or her feet or give her something to drink."

We are holding up okay, just weary and tired, but so glad THIS part is over!

Here are some pictures the doctor's gave us today.  The left side is the before and right side is the after.

So glad that God has given these two doctors, Dr. Antony and Dr. Patterson the knowledge to help my mother be able to function again!

These 5 things are needed specifically for prayer:

1.  Her to wake easily and be able to get the breathing tube out!
2.  Her wound to heal without problems.
3.  There to be no infection in the wound.
4.  My Dad's strength through this all!  He is holding up well, just need stamina. 
5.  My strength to be able to go home tomorrow to my husband and babies and not worry about my Dad.


Its finally over

Mom is done with her surgery. All went as planned. I will type a detailed blog in just a bit.


The home stretch

Received report about 2:45pm NM time that all was going good and they were on "the home stretch" of the surgery.

While typing this they called Dad and said they were closing up and should be done in one to one and half hour.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!

Thank you all again. I will update when we see her beautiful face.


Finally Got Started

Just received call about 20 minutes ago that they started the surgery at 1030am New Mexico time. 
So tired of the waiting but so glad this part is finally started!
Please pray for the doctors, nurses and staff in the OR.
Pray for Mom to cooperate during this operation.
Lastly, but not the least pray that get the "stinking" breathing tube out as soon as it is safe for Mom because that is what is agitating her the most!

Much Love,

The continued sugery

They just took Mom back to finish up the last 20% of the surgery. Mom was awake & frustrated before the anesthesia team medicated her. Hoping they are able to extubate her this afternoon or evening. Depends how long surgery takes today.

Thank you for your encouragement & prayers.


Monday, June 18, 2012

Mailing Address Up Here

I forgot to put this in last blog:

The mailing address up here to send anything to Mom or Dad is:

University of New Mexico Health Science Center
2211 Lomas Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87106

Monday Afternoon/Evening

Mom is frustrated this afternoon!  We went back in to see her this afternoon and the nurse had step away for 5 seconds to get refills on her medications and she was turning her head back and forth and trying to raise her hands up to her tube in her mouth.  So we think she is getting a resistance to the medications she is on for sedation.  So the nurse is giving her extra doses of pain medicine for now.  Please pray for peace and patience for all of us through the night.

So tomorrow morning at 7:30am New Mexico time is when she goes back in for surgery.  So please all who read this say a prayer for the doctor's steady hands and guidance for tomorrow.

Dad and I will go back in tonight for visiting hours and then be back up there bright and early about 6am to see her off to surgery.

Love to you all,

Monday Morning Update

Sorry a little late this morning.

Dad and I have been up in Mom's room since about 8:30am.  Report is about the same.  No huge changes.
We happened to be there at the same time the "intensivist" residents were "rounding".  Which means the doctors that are in the ICU 24 hours a day were reporting off to the next shift of doctors coming in.  They did not have anything "new" or things that we didn't already know to say but they were very thorough with their reporting off.  The resident actually coming onto shift came in the room and talked to Dad and I for a few minutes.  He was was very kind and gave encouraging words.  He said he fills like after surgery tomorrow they may extubate (take breathing tube out) in the afternoon or early Wednesday morning.
They did have to give Mom 2 more units of blood last night, which is pretty common with the extensive of surgery.

Mom woke up both times Dad and I were in there this morning.  The first time Dad and I were talking to her and she opened her eyes a little and was trying to tell us her mouth was dry, so her nurse (Sarah, good name to have) cleaned her mouth very gently and nice.  Then she started to cry.  It is so hard for Dad and I to see her realize what is going on right now.  We asked the nurse to give her some extra pain medicine because she nodded her head "yes" when asked if she was hurting.  We then let her rest and left her alone for a bit.

The second time we were in there is when the doctor's were rounding and while I was standing at the doorway listening to the doctors she started waking up again.  I went over to bedside and she had her eyes wide open and was trying to focus on my face.  I was explaining to her that they were going to complete her surgery in the morning and most of you know my mom she does this thing with her mouth that she cocks her bottom lip to the side.  She did that around her breathing tube and all, it was pretty funny!  She seemed to understand but the nurse came in to give her a extra dose of pain medications again.

That is all I have got for now, but I do have a funny picture to show you guys.  Dad and I thought maybe him and Mom should travel like this picture from now on!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday Night

Sarah, Daniel and Michelle have made it home to Lubbock safely tonight.

Dad and I went to the laundry mat this evening to wash a few clothes for him and myself since I am staying a little longer.  Let me just say, there are some interesting looking characters in this town of Albuquerque, NM!!! 

When Dad and I made a visit to see Mom this evening her vital signs are very stable and are very minimal settings of the ventilator at this time.  It is down to the point where they could take her breathing tube out per numbers, but as I said in the earlier report the anesthesia team thinks best not to remove breathing tube until after her second surgery Tuesday.  They have started feeding her via her OG tube to give her some nutrition until surgery Tuesday.

Onto some information I have left out but had not meant to...... her surgery on Friday completed 80% of what the completed surgery will be.  So Tuesday will only be 20% left!!  So only expected to take 4 - 5 hours according to Dr. Antony and Dr. Patterson.  I did email Lynnette the doctor's coordinator today and asked if she happen to know a time for her surgery on Tuesday and she quickly responded.  She said it is scheduled to start at 7:30am and they will take her to the OR about 6:30 Tuesday morning. 

So, a few specifics to pray for......

1.  her edema to go down in her hands and feet (expected with all the fluid given to her during surgery)
2.  that they will be able to take her breathing tube out soon after surgery
3.  no complications and continued comfort for Mom

Thank you again,

Morning # 2 Report

Well, today she is doing fine. BUT the anesthesia team has decided to keep her intubated (on breathing machine) til Tuesday after the second part of surgery. We do not "like" this but understand the "why" they need to. This is very hard for Sarah & Daniel leaving with her still ventilated. She is very calm and sedated for now. Please pray we find comfort in this.
Thank you again for your love and support.


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Saturday Afternoon Update

Well...........Mom is not getting the breathing tube out today.  BUT that is okay because we want it to be optimal conditions for it to be removed.  For all mine and Mom's nurse friends, here lactate levels are a little elevated and her pH level is 7.33, so he is acidotic but not really bad.  She did open her eyes and smiled at Dad, Sarah and myself.  She was trying to talk to Sarah and Dad saying she wanted a drink and something else we could not really understand.  Long day and long night today but hoping to get her breathing tube out in the morning sometime and good rest tonight.  Will update in the morning when we know anything new and/or if there are any changes.

Thank you for all the comments and prayers being relayed on here!


The Simmons/Holley/Womble Clan

Morning Report

Mom had a good night but is still intubated (breathing tube).  She did rest all night comfortably with sedation and pain medications.  Her blood pressure was wavering a little so they had to give her 3 liters of fluid but it is holding steady since middle of the night.  She also ran a low grade fever through the night (which is common) but it is not bad. When Dad was able to go in this morning she was waking up some but "thrashing" and pulling on the restraints on her arms not to pull out her breathing tube.  Mom did calm down when she heard Dad's voice but they increased her sedation some to help her not fight it.  Her swelling has gone down in her face and shoulders from being face down for 12 hours, so that is a PRAISE.  They are planning on taking the breathing tube out later today if she continues to behave.  Please pray for her to wake up without panicking and for the swelling to continue to lessen so she can get that stinking breathing tube out!  Thank you all again for your support and prayers.  They are truly being felt here in Albuquerque. 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Last Update Tonight

Well....there's Good news & not as good of news.
So far the surgery has been a success but they are not able to complete the surgery tonight because of needing 4 more hours to complete. I am posting so far before & after pictures. Mom will stay intubated tonight in ICU & then hopefully will be extubated tomorrow afternoon. Pray for comfort these next few days. The next surgery will be Tuesday. Will update in the morning.

Update # 4

Finally heard from OR nurse!!! Mom's vital signs are stable and all is going well in OR. Nurse said they had all "instrumentation" placed now. Ask how much longer and she didn't give me a straight answer but eluded to 2 more hours. That would make it 11 hours in surgery!! Please pray for minimal swelling in her face tonight so she can get breathing tube out tonight when completed!! Thank you all again!!!


Update #3

Just received word from OR Nurse that everything is "plugging along as planned". Her words, not mine!! Dad & I are just hanging in. Sarah, Daniel & Michelle are headed here to Albuquerque now, so please pray for safe travels too!

Update # 2

Just received word that Mom's surgery is going as planned.  No other updates.  Dad and I are just sitting in lobby on our computers trying to stay occupied.  Another thing to put prayers up for is my Uncle Dauber, my mother's oldest sister's husband.  He is currently in Lubbock at Covenant dealing with many battles with nutrition and strength.  All prayers are being felt and we are so blessed to have so many care about our family and especially my mother!  Gotta go, getting teary writing this!


Update #1

Just received call that everything is going as planned. They have removed spinal nerve stimulator and most of old hardware. Good update and keep tge prayers coming!

Onto surgery

Mom went into surgery at 9am Mew Mexico time. They are going to call and update every 2 hours so I will update then. Prayers are coveted!


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Surgery information

It’sabout to be surgery time – (again)!

Iguess I thought that if I never wrote this e-mail that I would wakeup one morning and be out-of-pain, straight, and no longer takingmind altering drugs with out-of-pain being my biggest hope ---- butstanding tall and clear headed would be such wonderful bonuses! Asmost of you that are getting this probably know, it was discoveredwhen I was 13 years old that I had scoliosis which is curvature ofthe spine. I wore a body brace that went from my chin to below mywaist right where I could bend enough to sit. It was called aMilwaukee Body Brace and Mother and Daddy took me to the doctor in ElPaso for treatment for 3 years. We lived in Carlsbad.
Aftermy treatment was completed, it was declared a success and had nofurther treatment or real problems until about 5 years ago. I alwaysprotected my back, but never needed anything more than Aleve orTylenol for pain. Then I started needing prescription pain meds. Whenthat no longer worked, my doctor put in spacers to try to relievepain, which did not work well for me, then did a short fusion whichwas working well, when the vertebrae above what he had fused androdded decided to slide over and cause more problems. He added alonger rod, and then I couldn’t walk alone. So with my body’sprogression, and to no fault of my doctor, I am left pushing awalker! I don’t like that and my pain has become horrific.
I havea casual friend whom I met through my work at the TTU School ofNursing. She had been walking with a walker and very bent over forthe 7 years I had known her. I didn’t know her well enough to askany questions but after she appeared this year standing up, I feltlike it was “question time.” She had basically the same “story”as mine, so I asked for names of her doctors, which she gladly sharedand I got in touch with their office. They are in Albuquerque. Thesedoctors have the sweetest coordinator who went straight to bat for meand set up an appointment and told me what items I needed to bringwith me. After haggling with my insurance, everything was approvedfor me to go out of state and see this team. They have explained theprocess to Blane and I and we believe that this is all in God’splan! Too many positive things have happened to get us here that itcouldn’t be from any other source!

All the pre-op tests have been done and I will enter Univeristy of New Mexico Hospital onFriday morning, June 15thfor the surgery to begin at 7:30 a.m. The doctors have said it willbe a long surgery but that it won’t be over 10 hours or so,hopefully more like 8. They will be rebuilding my spine one vertebraeat a time starting below my waist and extending to up about where mybra fastens. After they complete their alignment and putting in longrods, I should be a new woman!!! I had to endure a CT myleogram acouple of weeks ago that indicated the nerves, etc. and the best partis it indicated that they will be able to do the surgery enteringonly through the back and not the front also. Learning it was onlygoing to be a one day surgery made all of the torture of that testworth it!

Our daughter, Rebekah, has set up a blog spot where youcan follow my progress day by day, and she said several times on theday of surgery. She named the blog spot: If you will highlight the blogspot name and enter it in yoursearch line, it will take you to it. You can then add it to yourfavorites and go to as you wish. If you want to send me a message,you can either put it on the blogspot page or on my e-mail . If you don’t want to look at it, I hope youwill pray for me anyway!!! And Blane and my kids and Mother needprayers too. They are all suffering with me. I am to be in ICU for afew days (3 days to a week) with total time in the Albuquerquehospital estimated to be about 2 weeks; after that I will go back toLubbock to spend the next 2-6 weeks in residential rehab. My doctorshere (I’m in Albuquerque writing this) have told me that in 4 weeksafter the surgery I will be walking a mile without assistance! Ireally can’t believe this! (Just call me “doubting Thomas”). Wehave chosen for me to go to Trust Point for rehab.
Pleaseshare this with anyone who might like to see it; the more prayers thebetter! I thank God daily for all my wonderful friends and familywho have so patiently stood beside me; loaded my walker; refilled mydrink; visited me, etc. and the list is unending. I couldn’t havecome this far without you and I look so forward to the day when I canserve you and others! I appreciate your continued prayers. 


Monday, June 11, 2012

Surgery Date 6/15/12

This is a blog to keep family and friends updated on Brenda Simmons' status during her upcoming surgery on June 15, 2012 and during her rehab.  Please post encouraging words and comments to keep her encouraged during this difficult surgery and time.  

Thank you - Rebekah Simmons Holley (Brenda's oldest daughter)