Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Great News from Mom

Mom and Dad called me earlier while I was work and were saying that Mom is walking so well right now and she even went up and down some stairs!  That is just so amazing from just 1 week ago when I left Albuquerque.  Mom even woke up and wanted to put on makeup and do her hair and Dr. Patterson came in and told her she didn't "HAVE" to go to rehab he just wants her to walk, but Mom is going to do 1 to 2 weeks of rehab to get in a habit and get stronger.  All of this is great news!

Update on my Uncle Dauber from my cousin Lane and Paige's facebook pages:

Night and morning was not fun. Dad has been on breathing machine, dialysis and they kept him heavily sedated. He had a heart attack yesterday. Probably had minor one earlier this morning and they gave him 3 nitro pills and morphine. Then they took him to the heart center for angiogram.

Doctor just came out. Dads main artery (the widow maker) was 99% blocked.

Doctor put in two stents and said damage to heart was minimal from heart attack. Said Dad's heart was very strong. Doctor said this will address the chest pain.

Now to address all of the other issues - we will see what happens. He will be in critical care heart ICU for two or three days.

Will let you know what else happens here. Every hour is something new - good and bad.
Please continue to pray for my mother's recovery and for my uncle to recover in all aspects from the assult on his body!


  1. Tell your mom we are glad she is doing better and can't wait to see her walking! The house is fine too. Carolyn and David

  2. Yay! , Brenda! You are doing awesome! Keep it up.

    - keeping your brother-in-law and his family in thoughts and prayers also

    You are missing this heat wave here, be glad.
    Shannon C

  3. We are all sooo proud of you and happy for you tooo ! sounds like you are progressing so fast, even doing stairs ! slow down girl, I know you are anxious and all. but you can't do it all in a week.
    luv you,
