Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday Night

Sarah, Daniel and Michelle have made it home to Lubbock safely tonight.

Dad and I went to the laundry mat this evening to wash a few clothes for him and myself since I am staying a little longer.  Let me just say, there are some interesting looking characters in this town of Albuquerque, NM!!! 

When Dad and I made a visit to see Mom this evening her vital signs are very stable and are very minimal settings of the ventilator at this time.  It is down to the point where they could take her breathing tube out per numbers, but as I said in the earlier report the anesthesia team thinks best not to remove breathing tube until after her second surgery Tuesday.  They have started feeding her via her OG tube to give her some nutrition until surgery Tuesday.

Onto some information I have left out but had not meant to...... her surgery on Friday completed 80% of what the completed surgery will be.  So Tuesday will only be 20% left!!  So only expected to take 4 - 5 hours according to Dr. Antony and Dr. Patterson.  I did email Lynnette the doctor's coordinator today and asked if she happen to know a time for her surgery on Tuesday and she quickly responded.  She said it is scheduled to start at 7:30am and they will take her to the OR about 6:30 Tuesday morning. 

So, a few specifics to pray for......

1.  her edema to go down in her hands and feet (expected with all the fluid given to her during surgery)
2.  that they will be able to take her breathing tube out soon after surgery
3.  no complications and continued comfort for Mom

Thank you again,


  1. Hi Rebekah and Blane,
    Watch what you say about the characters in Abq! We will be living there soon enough!
    Your mom is a real trooper and she will get through this. She's the lucky one getting the drugs. Be sure to take care of yourself and your dad. We are praying for you two to remain healthy and strong for Brenda. Tell her I love her and give your dad a hug for me. Blane - give Rebekah a hug from me. Love - Teresa

  2. Continually praying and thinking about you guys.

  3. Thanks for the updates. We have been praying for Brenda and you guys all weekend. Love you! Jen

    1. Can you turn on the blog function where you can subscribe by email? My folks check their email daily and it would be easier for them.

    2. Jen,
      How do I change that function. I am new at this blogging thing. Sorry

  4. I asked Ty one time if he just walked around with his mouth open watching the people go by. He didn't, but I did! Of course you are really close to the University which increases the "interesting" factor. He has moved to Portland now, so I guess nothing surprises him! Sure will be glad when the next surgery is over and the healing process begins.
    Can you please post a mailing address when you get a chance? I know people would like to send cards. Thanks for the updates! Love,

  5. One more request-if people want to come see you and Blane where do they come? I realize Brenda doesn't need any visitors but there might be some who want to keep you company.

  6. Call us and then we can tell you where we are at. The waiting room is usually really full so we sit in RV where it is cooler & not so many "other" people around.
