Monday, December 19, 2016


Sorry for the delay in posting but I have been busy working and Mom has been busy getting better with Home Health doing Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy. 

She has been doing really well these past 2 weeks with no pain and improving but she had the sutures removed late last week and then the "FUN" started.  (Not really FUN).....

So, she started having a small amount of draining from the middle of the incision and then some pain was involved, maybe called soreness.  She then started being more "foggy" headed and couldn't stay awake for very long periods of time.  Then started the low grade fevers and nervousness set in. 

Last night her Physical Therapist called to set up her appointment for today, Monday, and she said, "I just don't feel right and the whole right side of my head is hurting now and I still having drainage from my incision in the middle."  Her physical therapist (LOVE HER) got busy and got a hold of the nurse on call and that nurse got to work (GOOD JOB) and got a hold of the PA for Dr. Smith the neurosurgeon and he happened to be in the Emergency Room and asked for Mom to come up there for him to assess it.

Mom and Dad went up there last night and he did a wound culture and did not like the looks of it so they admitted her back to the hospital last night!  So Mom is now back in the Neurosurgical Floor at Covenant Medical Center, Heart Center 588.  She is somewhat discouraged because it is right before Christmas and this was NOT in her plans. 

Please keep her in your prayers and Dad too!

She will be having surgery again Wednesday most likely to clean out the infection so she is frustrated right now but I am glad she is getting this done now instead of letting it go on!  She is on IV antibiotics right now and this will continue until they get the results back from the cultures

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support for our family!

We love you all!



  1. Oh No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sending prayers that Brenda's infection will be fixed and she will not have any more complications!

  2. Bless her heart! Will keep in praying. Thanks for the update.

  3. Praying that the surgery goes well on Wednesday! Praying for your mom, dad, and all of you as caregivers.
